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Resources for IDD/AU

This page contains information that is useful for planning for our Crosby Students with intellctual disabilities, Austism, Emotional Disturbance or other significant disabilies.

Students with significant disabilities may qualify to receive many services through several agencies.

These agencies can provide services for the life-time of the student, HOWEVER the waitlist to access the services is roughly 15 YEARS! Apply ASAP.

Services available through The Harris Center: Click Link for more information Harris Center Program Description

Early Childhood Intervention: For children Birth-3years old.

ABA SkIp Skill Intervention Program: For children 3years-15 years old.

Transition Services: For school age services.

Texas Home Living: Variety of services that support activities of daily living. (Waiver Program)

Home and Community Based Services (HCS): Variety of servies that support activities of daily living, including residential support. (Waiver Program)

C.L.A.S.S. Services: (Community Living and Support Services) funded through Dept. of Aging and Disabilities. Provides services for certain supports in the community. (Waiver Program)

Intermediate Care Facilities: Group home (up to 6 people) to teach independent living skills.

Respite Care: Short-term, intermediate direct care of the child/adult in their home or in a facility. 

Community First Choice: Community First Choice Information and Eligibility

Coffeehouse: Social Skills support for 18+ year olds with Autism. 

The Harris Center for Mental Health and IDD services is the overseeing agency for our area. To contact them and request services, follow the steps below. 

Steps to apply:

  • For Early Childhood Intervention services for a child under the age of 3, please call 713-970-4800.
  • For ALL other services,call The Harris Center Patient Access Line at 713-970-7000, option 2.

          If no one answers, leave a message that you are interested in placing your child's name on the waitlist. They will            call you back to complete application process.

  • A Consumer Services Coordinator will explain what documents are needed and how you can get them.
  • After your documents are received, if necessary, you will receive a Determination of Intellectual Disabilities (DID) to determine your eligibility for services.
  • A Business Office staff member will discuss possible fees that may apply and assist you in obtaining benefits for which you may be eligible.
  • An Eligibility Coordinator will meet with you to assess needs, explain services and explain rights.
  • If you are eligible for services, a Service Coordinator will be assigned to help you and your family understand your rights and available benefits. 

The Harris Center -click this link to take you to their website

Children with disabilities may qualify for SSI benefits while they are children. Once they turn 18 years old, they MUST reapply to continue or qualify for benefits. If they did not qualify for benefits because the family made too much money, then they may qualify as an adult because it is based on THEIR income level. 

Common Misconception: "If they get SSI/SSDI, then they are NOT allowed to work or they will lose their benefits/check". FALSE!!!

                                     "The disabled adult cannot own a house and still receive benefits". FALSE

Your child can work and still recieve benefits. There are some restrictions with amount they can earn monthly and amount of time they can work a day/week, but they can MAXIMIZE benefits by working. EasterSeals provides a WIPA (Work Incentives Planning Assistance Program) to help parents fully understand and utilze the program. They work on each individual basis. 

Easterseals Website: Click Here--> Easterseals-WIPA

SSI/SSDI for Children UNDER 18years old:

Click to access Social Security Page to start process --> SSI for children with disabilities

SSDI for 18 Years or OLDER:-->SSI Benefits for adult child with disabilty

Your ADULT child may qualify for benefits (based on your work credit record) IF:

  • Disabled BEFORE age 22 years
  • Meet the ADULT definition of "disabled"
  • Have no SUBSTANCIAL earnings (LESS than $1,180 per month)
  • If parent (YOU) receive SSI or SSDI

Brocure for SSI Information for Children with disabilities: SSI Brochure

If your child has autism or other behavioral concerns, interactions with law enforcement can become very scary situations. Fortunately, Harris County Sherrif's Departent has initaited "Project Guardian" which is a program that will allow parents/family to register their loved one with autism, or other cognitive impairment, with the Sherrif Office dispatch. The aim of this program is to inform law enforcement of triggers and strategies to safely de-esculate situations of those individuals that may need intervention.

Read the Houston Chronical article about the program here-->Article on Project Guardian

Click on the link to find out more about the program and how to register. -->Harris County Project Guardian

CenterVention is a resource the has 95 FREE lessons and activities that parents and teachers can use to help students with various disabilties. There are lessons on topics from everything such as anger and anxiety to focus, impulsivity and making friends. Click the link to review the FREE activities -->Social Emotional Lessons