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Does your Child receive SSI/SSDI Benefits already?

Do you want to see if your child qualifies for SSI/SSDI?

Has your child turned 18 years old and their benefits are ending?

This guide can help answer some basic questions about what benefits your child might be eligible to receive --> Benefits Guide for Children

Social Security has many regulations and is constantly changing the rules and guidelines with qualifying for SSI. There are documents that cover many of these topics and offer clarification for families to determine what benefits their child can qualify. click on the link below to choose from the publication options. 

Social Security Publications

Q: "My family makes too much money to qualify for Social Security" 

A: For Title 2 Benefits (Needs Based), these are based off of the ADULT CHILD's income ONLY! Social Security DOES count room and board as income! 

Q: "My child has never worked. Can they still recieve Social Security?" 

A: Your adult child may still qualify for SSDI benefit based off of one of their parent's work history.