Local Scholarships
2025 Local Scholarship Application Links
Click the link above to access the Local Scholarship Applications.
Student must be logged in to CISD student account to access scholarship application links. You MUST also log out of your personal Google account.
DEADLINE - Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 4:00 PM
**Applications/transcripts/letters of recommendation will not be accepted after 4:00 PM**
**48 hours advanced notice is required to process transcript requests**
**ALWAYS give 1 week advanced notice for letters of recommendation**
BETA SIGMA CHAPTER OF EPSILON SIGMA ALPHA - TBD - open to female students only Members volunteer much of their time and talents to various organizations and events in the community. ESSAY: We are interested in your community service that is NOT part of Crosby High School. In 200 words or less, tell us about your community involvement outside of your school. Describe the activities you have been involved in that provided a service to others. You may concentrate on one or two of your favorite community service projects and attach a list of the activities you have been involved in while in high school that are NOT related to your high school.
Crosby Youth Soccer would like to offer one $1000 scholarship honoring Brian and Andrew Figley.
The criteria to be awarded a scholarship include:
-Must have played one year of JV or Varsity Soccer in high school or one season with Club Soccer with ELHYSA
-Must have a minimum of 2.5 GPA
-Must be planning to attend an accredited college or university
-Must have good character and good attendance at CHS
CROSBY ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB – TBD: Scholarships will go to males and females.
1. You must have played a UIL recognized sport for all four years in high school.
2. You must be entering college in the fall or spring semester following scholarship receipt
3. You must completely fill out the application.
4. Recipients will be selected by donor.
CROSBY AREA RETIRED TEACHERS ASSOCIATION – 2/$500: Scholarships will be awarded to a Crosby High School graduate who plans to attend college. Financial need, achievement and skills to succeed will all be considerations. The recipient is selected by donor.
Limited to 5 students with the goal of obtaining a BACHELOR degree from a 4-yr institution and 1 student attending Trade School. Candidates will also be graded on participation at the fairgrounds for community services and improvement events.Recipients will be chosen by CF&R. Please see full list of guidelines.
Applicants must be a high school senior at Crosby High School.
- Applicants must be in the Top Ten percent of their graduating class.
- Applicants must demonstrate a financial need for the scholarship.
- Recipients are required to sign a photo release and provide an appreciation acknowledgment along with their photograph for posting on our social media platforms.
- Applicants must provide an official transcript to verify that they are in the top 10%.
Applicants must be a graduating senior from Crosby High School who plans on attending an accredited college, university, or technical school. Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 and must demonstrate service to the community through clubs, organization memberships, and school activities. Students must submit an essay of 400-600 words detailing community service, reasons for applying for the scholarship, goals after graduating college or technical school, and how they plan on reaching their goals. One letter of reference will be required.
Two non-renewable $500 scholarships will be available. Additionally, one non-renewable $1000 scholarship is available for a student majoring in a firefighting, emergency medical service, emergency management or law enforcement career path as well as a medical degree completed via technical, 2-year or 4-year degree.
Applicants must be an outstanding FFA student who plans to pursue a degree in agriculture or another approved major. Recipient will be selected by donor. Criteria includes: - FFA Member for at least 2 years
- Must meet admission requirements for college or trade school.
Recommendation letter should be placed in a sealed envelope and turned in to the Next Level Center by 4:00 PM on March 6, 2025.
- Applicant must maintain a 2.5 GPA or higher.
- 1 Letter of recommendation.
- Must submit narrative 100 or less words, double-spaced, should include information about their FFA activities, school extracurricular and community activities, and career and personal goals.
- Applicant must participate in CYF Scholarship Fundraising Activities.
- Applicants Parent or Guardian must be a member in good standing in the Crosby Young Farmers Organization.
David H. McNerney Memorial Scholarship
Student must be a Senior member of JROTC or have an immediate family member (parent or sibling) active duty military or national guard member, or have a parent who previously served in our military. PLEASE TURN IN A TEACHER OR COUNSELOR RECOMMENDATION TO THE NEXT LEVEL CENTER IN AN ENVELOPE WITH YOUR NAME AND THE NAME OF THIS SCHOLARSHIP. Due 3/6/2025 at 4:00 PM
The Don Hendrix Memorial Scholarship- The Don Hendrix Memorial Scholarship honors the memory of Dr. Don Hendrix, former superintendent of Crosby Independent School District (1986). Students are recognized for academic excellence, participation in extracurricular activities and overcoming obstacles in their lives. ***Please print and place in an envelope with your name in the Next Level Center: Transcript and acceptance letter and/or application email receipt to an accredited non-profit public or private institution.
Deadline - 3/6/2025 at 4pm
Charles R. Drew Academic CARE Scholarship
2025 Charles R. Drew $500 Academic CARE Scholarship (Community Action with Resilience to Empower)
Applicant MUST:
-be a 2025 Crosby ISD Spring graduating senior
-have attended Charles R. Drew Intermediate/Elementary School
-be accepted into an institution of higher learning at the time of submission and attend an institution Fall 2025
-have a minimum GPA of 2.5. (unofficial transcript must be attached to application)
Future Leaders Scholarship Fund–
The recipient should have financial need, college potential and be of good character. The student does not have to be a straight “A” student. The recipient should not be one that has received numerous other scholarships. Recipients will be selected by donor.
Guidelines for the scholarship are as follows: (1) applicants must be graduating from high school this year (2) scholarships will be awarded on the basis of need, academic achievement, extracurricular activities and moral character; (3) children of Rotarians, or their children, are also eligible;(4) Applicants must follow the guidelines of Highlands Rotary application. Recipient will be selected by donor. Must submit copy of most current transcript to NEXT LEVEL CENTER in an envelope with your name and Highlands Rotary Scholarship on the outside of the envelope. DEADLINE - 3/6/2025 at 4:00 PM
It is not necessary that a Mason be a member of your family to receive these scholarships. Anyone is eligible to apply. Our goal is to support those who need additional funding, have a scholastic record indicative of an ability to succeed in higher education, and who have been accepted at a university, junior college, or technical school. Recipient will be selected by donor.
In 2025, Indian Shores has three $1,000 scholarships available. Scholarships are funded by the Indian Shores Garden Club.
Eligibility: To apply for these scholarships, you must be a graduating high school senior and a resident of Indian Shores. Students who live in Indian Shores and attend a public school, private school, or are home-schooled and are graduating seniors are eligible to apply.
Students may apply for more than one scholarship. Submit a new application for each scholarship.- One Leadership Scholarship will be awarded to graduating senior who has exhibited leadership qualities i.e., volunteer work, community services, positive work ethics, etc. (examples must be listed in essay). Initial scholarship in the amount of $3500.00, additional possible $1500 during junior year of college (see criteria)
- One FFA or 4H Scholarship will be awarded to a student who is an active member of FFA upon graduation, and have shown animals, in Crosby for at least one year. Initial scholarship in the amount of $3500.00, additional possible $1500 during junior year of college (see criteria)
- One Soccer Scholarship will be awarded to a student who has been on a Crosby Varsity Soccer team for at least their senior year. Initial scholarship in the amount of $3500.00, additional possible $1500 during junior year of college (see criteria)
- One Academic Scholarship with at least one year attendance at CHS, be in the top 15% of the graduation class. Have good academic record, and high moral values. Initial scholarship in the amount of $3500.00, additional possible $1500 during junior year of college (see criteria)
- One Trade/Vocational School Scholarship will be awarded to a student who is planning to attend a Trade/Vocational school. Scholarship amount will be for $2,000. Minimum high school GPA 2.5 and proof of enrollment or acceptance into accredited trade and/or vocational school.
The recipients for all scholarships must be accepted at an accredited college, have a good academic record (at least “C” average), be of good character and attendance in school. Applicants must write a one or two page essay stating why they are applying for this scholarship, their future plans and why they chose the college they did. Each winner is eligible for an additional $1500 if G.P.A is a 3.0 or greater at the end of the Junior Year (Bachelor’s Degree) in college. Selected by donor.
Jared Jamail Scholarship Guidelines/Criteria
Kuraray America, Inc Scholarship guidelines
The Kuraray America, Inc. Scholarship is a renewable scholarship. - Three 2-year college $1000 scholarships will be awarded to be paid out at $500/yr.
- Minimum high school GPA of 2.0 is required.
- ONE 4-year $4000 scholarship will be awarded to be paid out at $1000/year.
Candidates must be a current student at Crosby High School have NO direct family relationship with a current Kuraray Group employee, have at least 3.0 GPA for the 4-year scholarship, have at least a 2.0 GPA for the 2-year scholarship.
Deadline is 3/6/2025 at 4:00 PM.
- Minimum high school GPA of 3.0 is required.
- All recipients must maintain GPA and submit a transcript as proof each semester for renewal.
- Must be enrolled in 12+hours for renewal.
Luke’s Legacy Memorial Scholarship
Luke Austin Whitworth was a CHS graduate of 2013; and tragically lost his life in October 2019. One year later, in October of 2020 Luke’s Legacy was founded. The purpose of Luke’s Legacy is to provide a scholarship to a senior that shares the same qualities that Luke did and simply #LLMLL (Live Life More Like Luke) did. There is no better way to honor his life. The $1000 scholarship may be used for a community college, a trade school or towards vocational training or certification. The recipient(s) will be selected based on the positive traits Luke possessed and their GPA will not be a factor in the selection. Recipient(s) will be selected based on factors such as: work ethic, character, community involvement, stewardship, respectfulness, ………………. #LiveLifeMoreLikeLuke #LLMLLOften in Luke’s life it seemed as if he could never catch a break! Plenty of things occurred as a result of his own actions or choices, however; his life really was affiliated with misfortune and mishaps (no doubt that made him who he was). Luke often said and believed if it weren’t for ‘bad’ luck he’d have no luck at all. His Mom always told her children:
“Sometimes life isn’t fair and doing the right thing doesn’t mean it will always result in things working out the way you wanted them to – keep being you & never stop doing what is right. Everything is either a blessing or a lesson.” This scholarship will be chosen the best way we know how to and for it to be something Luke would be proud of.
This scholarship will be chosen the best way we know how to and for it to be something Luke would be proud of.
- Recommendation Letters: Submit two sealed letters of recommendation from an educator, priest/pastor, community leader, employer, etc. **SUBMIT TO THE NEXT LEVEL CENTER BY 3/6/2025 at 4:00 PM**
Marisa Dikeman Memorial Scholarship Marissa Dikeman was a 2021 graduate of Crosby ISD. On December 29, 2022, Marissa was shot and killed. During high school, Marissa was an FFA and 4H member and showed many different species of animals during her years as a member. Marissa loved FFA and 4H, from raising the different animals to all the friends and teachers she met along the way. A few descriptive words about Marissa: Christian, beautiful, family, intelligent, ambitious, confident and friend to all. After graduating with her diploma and associates degree, Marissa was a substitute teacher at Crosby High School and night manager at our company, Jackson's Deer Processing, all while attending Houston Christian University.
To honor her legacy, we are offering two $500 scholarships sponsored by her grandparents, Terry and Linda Jackson. Two additional scholarships to be sponsored by her father, James Dikeman in conjunction with the Marisa Marie Dikeman
Roshaad Andre Mayweather Memorial Scholarship
Required: - Official Transcript
- 3 letters of recommendation (2-teacher, counselor, employer & 1 - personal)
- Essay: Only selection essay to submit
United Community Credit Union Scholarship:
- Applicants must be a high school senior at Crosby High School.
- Applicants must be in the Top Ten percent of their graduating class.
- Applicants must demonstrate a financial need for the scholarship.
- Recipients are required to sign a photo release and provide an appreciation acknowledgment along with their photograph for posting on our social media platforms.
- Applicants must provide an official transcript to verify that they are in the top 10%.
Application Deadline is March 6, 2025 at 4:00 PM
PHOTO RELEASE print and submit with your transcript